Empathy (Single)
by FoggyBrains
Dutch: Empathie is wat er mist in de maatschappij. Hierdoor is een verharding gaande en kijken mensen minder naar elkaar om. De hardste schreeuwers eisen alle aandacht. Empathie is de boodschap om de wereld een beetje vriendelijker te maken.
English: Empathy seems like a lost virtue. The world is turning cold and more self centered. Therefore look out for eachother and be kind and respectfull.
Song text Empathy by FoggyBrains
In the echo chambers of our minds
Where the loudest voices seem to find
A stage to preach their narrow creed
Fueling the flames of division, planting seeds
But we can't let the darkness win
In the chaos, we must find a kin
To rise above the hate, to bridge the divide
And let empathy be our guide
In the race for attention, hearts grow cold
As empathy fades, the truth untold
We're drowning in the noise of self-righteous cries
While compassion withers, humanity dies
But we can't let the darkness win
In the chaos, we must find a kin
To rise above the hate, to bridge the divide
And let empathy be our guide
In a world where opinions clash like swords
And empathy is seen as weakness, ignored
We turn a blind eye to those in need
While feeding our egos with selfish greed
To rise above the darkness within
In the chaos, let love be our kin
To mend the broken, to heal the divide
And let empathy be our guide
In the silence between the shouts of rage
There's a whisper of hope, a turning page
Where differences fade and hearts unite
In the embrace of empathy's light
So let's break the cycle of hate and sin
In the chaos, let compassion begin
To lift each other up, side by side
And let empathy be our guide
So let's break the cycle of hate and sin
In the chaos, let compassion begin
To lift each other up, side by side
And let empathy be our guide
copyright 2024 by FoggyBrains