
English: FoggyBrains is the artist name of Robert Holscher. He is playing keyboard and guitar and is songwriting and composing. This is also part of his therapy after suffering a stroke in 2021. Therefore his songs have a strong message and are even theraputic for others, who will recognize the hardship of daily struggle with a disability. Therefore the songtext can be found with every song on this site. The revenue of the songs, will be donated to the dutch foundation for brain research.

Supporting FoggyBrains can be done by listening to his music and share the links to his music on Spotify and Youtube Music

Dutch: FoggyBrains is de artiestennaam van Robert Holscher. Hij speelt keyboard en gitaar en schrijft en componeert nu muzieknummers met een boodschap. Het is ook een deel van zijn therapie na zijn herseninfarct in 2021. Daarom hebben zijn nummers een krachtige boodschap en worden de nummers gewaardeerd doordat er veel erkenning en herkenning in zit voor getroffenen door hersenletsel en hun dagelijkse strijd. Bij ieder nummer is de songtekst geplaatst. De opbrengsten van de nummers worden gedoneerd aan de hersenstichting.


FoggyBrains has broken with his distributor Distrokid. Distrokid has terrible support and they have removed not only my music but from many other artist without any explanation. Therefore : Don’t use DistroKid but use an other distributor for you music. Because of this action, my music is now already 2 weeks not available on my youtube music and spotify channel. Be aware in general that these online distributors can take your music offline without explaining why. That is very frustrating